Blank Mri Medical Form PDF Details

The MRI Medical form, amidst a backdrop of rigorous documentation and procedural adherence required in the medical community, particularly within the realms influenced by veterinary practices, emerges as a vital cog in the machinery of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service's National Veterinary Accreditation Program. This form, underpinned by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, necessitates a valid OMB control number – specifically, 0579-0297 – authenticating its legal use for collecting information within a stipulated timeframe, averagely pinned at .5 hours per response. These meticulous details underscore the significance of ensuring accuracy and compliance in information gathering, relevant not only to the initial accreditation but also to areas such as authorization in new states, accreditation category changes, contact information updates, and renewal processes. Furthermore, the form delves into personal particulars, educational background, accreditation specifics, contact information, and explicit consent for the public release of business contacts, all structured to streamline the accreditation and information verification processes. The form concludes with a segment dedicated to certification and approval, where signatures validate the veracity of the information provided, encapsulating the blend of administrative diligence and legal compliance integral to veterinary accreditation and service within the United States.

Form NameBlank Mri Medical Form
Form Length4 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min
Other namesvs form 1 36a, 1 nvap block, vs 1 36a, form 36a

Form Preview Example

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB


OMB Approved

control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0579-0297. The time required to complete this collection of information is estimated to average .5 hours per



response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.


Exp. Date: 2/2016




Initial Accreditation


2. Authorization in a new State















State: ______ License Number:___________________

State: ______

License Number:___________________








Change Accreditation Category (Block 15 or 16)


Contact Information Change




























Accreditation Renewal



Post-Revocation Re-Accreditation












7. Name of Veterinarian (Last, First, M, Suffix):



Check if your name has changed.

8. Six-Digit National Accreditation Number:




















_____ _____

_____ _____ _____











9. Other Names Used (e.g., Maiden Name):

10. Date of Birth:



11. School of Veterinary Medicine:




12. Year Graduated:








13. State where First Orientation Completed:





14. Are you interested in participating in State or Federal agricultural emergency response



























15.Category I animals (includes canines, felines, amphibians/reptiles, furbearing animals, laboratory animals (rodents), and non-human primates)

Refer to Explanation of Codes Page

Practice Code(s):




9 (select up to two)


Species Code(s):





17 (rodents)


(select up to four;

this does not limit the number of Category I species upon which you may

perform accredited duties)






Primary Medical Discipline:






Employment Type:







16. Category II animals (includes all animals)

Refer to Explanation of Codes Page

Practice Code(s):



(list up to two)

Species Code(s): _____

_____ ______


(list up to four; this does not limit the




number of species upon which you




may perform accredited duties)

Primary Medical Discipline:




Employment Type:





17. Home Mailing Address:

24. Name of Business:

25. Business Mailing Address:

18. City:

19. State:

20. ZIP Code:

26. City:

27. State:

28. ZIP Code:

21. County of Home Mailing Address:

29. County of Business Mailing Address:

22. Home Phone:

30. Business Phone:

23. Email Address:

31.Business FAX Number:

32.Business Cell Phone Number:

33. May your business contact information be released to the public by the USDA?



ACCREDITATION RENEWAL OR CHANGE OF ACCREDITATION CATEGORY – Complete only if block 3 or block 5 are selected.

Enter the module numbers, not names, of the APHIS approved supplemental training modules you have completed.

Category I veterinarians: three modules; Category II veterinarians: six modules.


Module Number


Course Type


Date Module


By signing in block 37, I certify that the information contained in this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I am able to perform the tasks listed in Title 9 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 161.1(g) for the accreditation category designated in Blocks 15 or 16. I have been given a copy of the Standards of Accredited Veterinarian Duties contained in Title 9 CFR Part 161.4, and I agree to conduct all activities as an accredited veterinarian in accordance with the Standards of Accredited Veterinarian Duties.

37. Signature of Veterinarian:

38. Date:

Signature of the Veterinarian-in-Charge and the State Animal Health Official appearing below denotes endorsement of the applicant for Initial Accreditation and/or Post-Revocation


39.Signature of State Animal Health Official:

41.Signature of Veterinarian-in-Charge:



VS Form 1-36A

Previous edition may be used

DEC 2013


Instructions for Completing VS Form 1-36A, National Veterinary Accreditation Program (NVAP) Application.

Block 1. Initial Accreditation: Check this block if you are applying for initial accreditation. Enter the two-letter State abbreviation and your complete veterinary license number for this State. Complete blocks 1, 7, 9 (if applicable), 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15/16, 17-33, 37, and 38.

Block 2. Authorization in a new State: Check this block if you are seeking authorization to perform accredited duties in an additional State. Enter the two-letter State abbreviation and your complete veterinary license number for this State. Complete blocks 2, 7, 8, 9 (if applicable) 10, 17-33, 37, and 38.

Block 3. Change Accreditation Category: Check this block if you are changing your Accreditation Category. Complete blocks, 3, 7, 8, 10, 15/16, and 34-38.

Block 4. Contact Information Change: Check this block if you are changing your contact information (e.g., name, address). Complete blocks 4, 7, 8, 10, 37, 38, and the appropriate CONTACT INFORMATION fields.

Block 5. Accreditation Renewal: Check this block if you are renewing your accreditation. Complete blocks 5, 7, 8, 10, and 34-38. You may not apply for renewal prior to 6 months of your renewal date.

Block 6. Post -Revocation Reaccreditation: Check this block if your accreditation was revoked and you are applying for reaccreditation. Complete blocks 6, 7, 8, 10, 15/16, 17-33, 37, and 38.

Block 7. Name of Veterinarian: Enter your legal last name, first name and middle initial. (If this is a name change request, enter your new legal name in this block.) Check the block, if your name has changed and complete Block 9.

Block 8. Six-Digit National Accreditation No.: Enter the National Accreditation Number that you have been assigned.

Block 9. Other Names Used (e.g., Maiden Name): Enter other names used – for example, maiden name, nickname (this name should not be the same name as in block 7).

Block 10. Date of Birth: Enter the two-digit month, two-digit day, and four- digit year of your birth.

Block 11. School of Veterinary Medicine: Enter the name of the school of veterinary medicine from which you graduated.

Block 12. Year Graduated: Enter your four-digit year of graduation from a school of veterinary medicine.

Block 13. State where Orientation Completed: Enter the two letter abbreviation of the State where core orientation was completed.

Block 14. Are you interested in participating in State or Federal agricultural emergency response efforts? Check “yes” or “no”, if you would like to be contacted to assist with agricultural emergency response efforts.

Category Selection

(Refer to Explanation of Codes)

Block 15. Category I: Check this block for authorization to only perform accredited duties on canines, felines, amphibians/reptiles, furbearing animals, laboratory animals (rodents), and/or non-human primates.

Block 16. Category II: Check this block for authorization to perform accredited duties on all animals.

Practice Code(s): Enter up to two code(s) which most clearly describes the species upon which you will perform accredited duties.

Species Code(s): Enter up to four code(s) associated with the species with which you most often expect to perform accredited duties. These entries do not limit the species on which you may perform accredited duties within your Accreditation Category.

Primary Medical Discipline: Enter the number associated with the discipline that best describes your primary medical discipline.

Employment Type: Enter the number associated with your employment type.

Home Contact Information

Block 17. Home Mailing Address: Enter your complete home mailing address. This is the address that will be used by NVAP to communicate with you.

Block 18. City: Enter the city of your home address.

Block 19. State: Enter the two-letter state abbreviation of your home address.

Block 20. ZIP Code: Enter the five- or nine-digit ZIP code of your home address.

Block 21. County of Home Mailing Address: Enter the county in which your home address is located.

Block 22. Home Phone: Enter your 10-digit home phone number.

Block 23. Email Address: Enter your email address. (NOTE: If you enter a shared email address, that information may be viewed by others.)

Business Contact Information

Block 24. Name of Business: Enter the name of the business where you work/practice. If you are self-employed without a specific business name, enter your name from Block 7.

Block 25. Business Mailing Address: Enter complete business mailing address. If your home mailing address is your business mailing address, write “Same as home address.”

Block 26. City: Enter the city of your business address.

Block 27. State: Enter the two-letter state abbreviation of your business address.

Block 28. ZIP Code: Enter the five- or nine-digit ZIP code of your business address.

Block 29. County of Business Mailing Address: Enter the county in which your business address is located.

Block 30. Business Phone Number: Enter your 10-digit business phone number.

Block 31. Business Cell Number: Enter your 10-digit cell phone number.

Block 32. Business FAX Number: Enter your 10-digit fax number.

Block 33. May your business contact information be released to the public by the USDA? Check "yes" or "no" to having your business contact information released.

Block 34. Module Number: Enter the module numbers, not the names, of the APHIS approved supplemental training modules you have completed. Category I veterinarians: three modules; Category II veterinarians: six modules

Block 35. Course Type: Enter either Online, Lecture, CD, or Print. The CD and Print designations indicate that you purchased a CD or printed version of the module from the Center for Food Security and Public Health at Iowa State University.

Block 36. Date Module Completed: Enter the two-digit month, two-digit day, and four-digit year that you completed the module.


Block 37. Signature of Veterinarian: Read the certification statement

above block 37 and sign in blue or black ink. (NOTE: The applicant MUST be licensed or legally able to practice as a veterinarian.)

Block 38. Date: Enter the two-digit month, two-digit day, and four-digit year that you signed this application.

Blocks 39-42: Do not enter any information in these blocks.

VS Form 1-36A

DEC 2013



This information is provided pursuant to Public Law 95-3579 (Privacy Act of 1974) December 31, 1974, for individuals completing the VS 1-36A.


5 U.S.C. 3301, 7 U.S.C. 8309, and 21 U.S.C. 113a

Routine Uses:

The information will be used for (1) Referral to State Animal Health officials to certify accreditation status or to exchange information regarding disciplinary action(s). (2) Referral to state veterinary examining boards to certify accreditation status or to exchange information regarding disciplinary action(s). (3) Disclosure to the public for the purpose of locating and contacting accredited veterinarians for a specific geographical location. (4) Referral to the appropriate agency, whether Federal, State, local or foreign, charged with the responsibility of investigating or prosecuting a violation of law, or of enforcing or implementing a statute, rule, regulation or order issued pursuant there to, of any record within this system when information available indicates a violation or potential violation of law, whether civil, criminal or regulatory in nature, and whatever arising by general statue or particular program statue, or by rule, regulation or order issued pursuant thereto. (5) Disclosure to the Department of Justice has agreed to represent the employee or the United States, where the agency determined that litigation is likely to affect the agency or any of its components, is a party to litigation or has an interest in such litigation and the use of such records by the Department of Justice is deemed by the agency to be relevant and necessary to the litigation ; provided, however, that in each case the agency determines that disclosure of the records to be Department of Justice is a use of the information contained in the records that is compatible with the purpose for which the records were collected. (6) Disclosure in a proceeding before a court of adjudicative body before which the agency is authorized to appear, when the agency, or any component thereof, or any employee of the agency in his or her official capacity, or any employee of the agency in his or her individual capacity where the agency has agreed to represent the employee or the United States, where the agency determines that litigation is likely to affect the agency or any of its components, is a party to litigation or has an interest in such litigation, and the agency determines that use of such records is relevant and necessary to the litigation; provided, however, that in each case the agency determines that disclosure of the records to the court is a use of the information contained in the records that is compatible with the purpose for which the records were collected (7) Disclosure to appropriate agencies, entities, and persons when the agency suspects or has confirmed that the security or confidentiality of information in the system of records has been compromised; the agency has determined that as a result of the suspected or confirmed compromise there is a risk of harm to economic or property interests, a risk of identity theft or fraud, or a risk of harm to the security or integrity of this system or other systems or programs (whether maintained by the agency or another agency or entity) that rely upon the compromised information; and the disclosure made to such agencies, entities, and persons is reasonably necessary to assist in connection with the agency’s efforts to respond to the suspected or confirmed compromise and prevent, minimize, or remedy such harm; (8) Disclosure to cooperative Federal, State, and local government officials, employees, or contractors, and other parties engaged to assist in administering the program. Such contractors and other parties will be bound by the nondisclosure provisions of the Privacy Act. This routine use assists the agency in carrying out the program, and thus is compatible with the purpose for which the records are created and maintained. (9) Disclosure to USDA contractors, partner agency employees or contractors, or private industry employed to identify patterns, trends or anomalies indicative of fraud, waste, or abuse. (10) Disclosure to the National Archives and Records Administration or to the General Services Administration for records management inspections conducted under 44 U.S.C. 2904 and 2906.

Effects of Nondisclosure:

Although this information is voluntary, failure to complete all the information may delay the process of the application or it may result in the application not being processed.

VS Form 1-36A

DEC 2013





Explanation of Codes

Practice Codes (Blocks 15 & 16)

9 -




(May indicate up to 2 codes)


- Cardiology


(“Predominant” = Greater than 50%


- Dentistry



Species Contact,


- Dermatology

“Exclusive” = Only Species Contact)


- Disaster Medicine

1 -

Food Animal Predominant


- Ecology

2 -

Food Animal Exclusive


- Emergency and Critical Care

3 -

Companion Animal Predominant


- Endocrinology

4 -

Companion Animal Exclusive


- Environmental Health

5 -

Mixed Animal


- Epidemiology

6 -

Equine Predominant


- Ethics

7 -

Equine Exclusive


- General Medicine

8 -



- Genetics

9 -

No Species Contact


- Human Animals Bond





- Homeland Security

Species Codes (Blocks 15 & 16)


- Immunology



(May choose up to 4 codes)


- Internal Medicine

1 -



- Insurance

2 -



- Laboratory Animal Medicine

3 -



- Law

4 -



- Media

5 -



- Microbiology

6 -



- Mycology/Bacteriology

7 -



- Molecular Biology

8 -



- Neurology

9 -



- Non-Medical



Avian (non-poultry)


- Nutrition


- Exotics


- Oncology


- Amphibian/Reptile


- Ophthalmology


- Aquatic Animal


- Parasitology


- Zoo Animal


- Pathology - Anatomic





- Pathology – Clinical


- Furbearing Animals


- Pharmacology


- Laboratory Animal


- Pharmacology – Clinical


- Non-Human Primate


- Physiology


- Other Species


- Population Medicine


- No Species Contact


- Poultry Medicine





- Preventative Medicine

Primary Medical Disciplines


- Production Medicine

(Blocks 15 & 16)


- Public Health

(Choose only 1 discipline)


- Radiology

1 -



- Shelter Medicine

2 -



- Sports Medicine

3 -

Animal Behavior


- Surgery

4 -

Animal Welfare


- Theriogenology

5 -



- Toxicology

6 -

Association Management


- Virology

7 -



- Wildlife Medicine

8 -

Biomedical Engineering


- Zoological Medicine

58 - Other Professional Discipline

Employment Type (Blocks 15 & 16) (May choose only 1 type)

Private Clinical Practice

1 - General Medicine/Surgery

2 - Production Medicine

3 - Referral/Specialty Medicine

4 - Emergency/Critical Care Medicine

5 - Other Private Clinical Practice


6 - Veterinary Medical College/School

7 - Veterinary Science Department

8 - Veterinary Technician Program

9 - Animal Science Department

10 - Other Academia


11 - U.S. Federal

12 - State

13 - Local

14 - Foreign

15 - Army

16 - Air Force

17 - Public Health Commission Corps

18 - Other Government


19 - Pharmaceutical/Biological

20 - Feeds/Nutrition

21 - Laboratory

22 - Agriculture/Livestock Production

23 - Business/Consulting Services

24 - Other Industry/Commercial


25 - Humane Organization

26 - Membership Assn/Professional


27 - Foundation/Charitable Organization

28 - Missionary/Service

29 - Zoo/Aquarium

30 - Wildlife

32 - Temp Not Employment in Veterinary


33 - Non-Veterinary Employment

34 - Not Employed

35 - Not Listed Above

This Professional Classification System is used courtesy of the American Veterinary Medical Association.

VS Form 1-36A

DEC 2013

How to Edit Blank Mri Medical Form Online for Free

Completing form 36a form is not difficult. Our experts created our PDF software to make it easy to use and enable you to fill in any form online. Here are a few steps you need to stick to:

Step 1: Look for the button "Get Form Here" and click it.

Step 2: Now you can edit your form 36a form. You need to use our multifunctional toolbar to include, eliminate, and adjust the content of the form.

Prepare the form 36a form PDF by entering the content needed for each section.

form 1 program form empty fields to complete

Write down the details in the City, State, ZIP Code, City, State, ZIP Code, County of Home Mailing Address, County of Business Mailing Address, Home Phone, Email Address, Business Phone, Business FAX Number, Business Cell Phone Number, May your business contact, and Yes area.

City, State, ZIP Code, City, State, ZIP Code, County of Home Mailing Address, County of Business Mailing Address, Home Phone, Email Address, Business Phone, Business FAX Number, Business Cell Phone Number, May your business contact, and Yes in form 1 program form

It is necessary to put down certain information inside the section By signing in block I certify, Date, Signature of the, Signature of State Animal Health, Signature of VeterinarianinCharge, Date, Date, VS Form A DEC, and Previous edition may be used.

part 3 to filling out form 1 program form

Step 3: As soon as you are done, choose the "Done" button to export your PDF document.

Step 4: It may be more convenient to prepare duplicates of your file. There is no doubt that we are not going to disclose or check out your details.

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